Call for contributions: VIRINO DINAMITA

Posted: 4 lutego, 2016 by afemka in Uncategorized

VIRINO DINAMITA „A room for free Anarka-Feminist thinking“


(spanisch version below)


„A room for free Anarka-Feminist thinking“
Libertarian comrades, rebel women, women of the barricades, pencil revolutionaries, dream weavers, dynamite friendly, lust lovers, sex-positivists, in love with the free love, artists, poets, story tellers, evil ones, witches….
Through this zine we try to (re)reclaim a free thinking space, where we can express our feelings, rages, frustrations, cries, questions and doubts without dogmatical boundaries. We want to make the words collective, turn words into threats, into written passion, turn them red and black, turn them anarchist with feminist tones, turn them feminist with anarchist shouts.

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Posted: 9 marca, 2010 by anarchofeminizm in Niusy

Stworzyłyśmy ten blog, by udostępnić wam teksty na temat anarchofeminizmu i informowac o powstajacej antologii anarchofeministycznej.  Goraco zachecamy do przesylania nam tlumaczen artykulow, informacje o waszych akcjach, materialy informacje z dzialanosci grup i inicjatyw, ktore waszym zdaniem powinny sie znalesc na stronie. Ucieszymy sie tez z waszych autorskich artykulow.